Chia seeds provide the most omega-3 fats per serving (1.9g per tbsp). The average adult male needs only 1.6 g/day and the adult female 1.1g/day. Chia seeds hold 12x their weight in water when they gel up, making them a wonderful source of soluble fiber
3 tbsp chia seeds (use 2 Tbsp if you prefer the consistency to be more fluid and less pudding-like)
1 cup milk
1/2 cup mangoes, chopped or a banana or some pineapple or strawberries- Do not mix fruits
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract- optional
1/4 cup nuts/seeds of choice, chopped
2 dates, pitted and chopped and crushed from the back of the spoon or add some jaggery
Add some orange zest if available (we keep a batch, ready and frozen)
- Combine chia seeds, milk, fruit of your choice and vanilla extract in a bowl or jar, stirring to combine. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes and then stir again to prevent clumping.
- Cover and chill in the fridge for 1-2 hours, or overnight.
- Stir well before serving. Portion into bowl(s) and add desired toppings.
- You can make in batches and store in air-tight containers in the fridge for 3-4 days (in this case, do not stir in fruit such as mango and strawberry until serving).
- For variety, add different fruits and nuts each time!