Mangoes are full of vitamins and high in fibre which helps limit the rapid absorption of sugars. Mangoes infact are very low in fat. Mangoes also contain mangiferin—which, in addition to anti-inflammatory and anti-viral activities, also helps lower blood sugar levels. Eating one mango is not harmful.
- 2 cups diced mango
- 2 cups fresh spinach
- 1 cup yogurt
- 1/2 milk (almond, soy, coconut or regular)
- 2 Tbsp flaxseed
- Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend on high until smooth.
- Pour into container of your choice and top with desired toppings.
- Best if enjoyed immediately.
- Optional toppings: Fresh fruit like mango, blueberries or kiwi, Toasted coconut flakes, Sprinkle of cinnamon or ground flaxseed.
- To make this smoothie even more wholesome, top it with some crunchy granola.
- Variation: replace mango with any other seasonal fruit, for instance, bananas.